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Consultancy & Advice

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Aligning our mission for every child's right to a Safe Sleeping space with practical application, Soteria's team's depth of knowledge and experience in the Safe Sleeping environment is often called upon by industry leaders in child safety education, child safety organisations, researchers and others interested in child safety.


Meeting childcare centre accreditation

With recent changes in legislation, education and care services need to ensure their practices and policy are meeting regulatory standards to attain their accreditation requirements.  Where centres have not reached these levels, Soteria is able to support management in achieving these goals by working through the issues and preparing a continuous improvement plan to identify any future problems before they arise. 


Safe Sleeping education modules

Other child safety education providers recognise the importance of a consistent, scientific, evidence-based message for all caregivers, the community and health professionals.  They have engaged Soteria to develop Safe Sleeping modules as an integral component of their education programs and curriculum.  This is an area we regard as pivotal in maintaining consistency of Safe Sleeping information.



Soteria's team is often invited to address conferences and public forum such as the Pregnancy, Babies and Children's Expos around Australia on the importance of Safe Sleeping.  


If you would like to know anything further on any of these, please contact or phone 03 9304 3340.


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